Thursday, October 2, 2008

Message from the Executive Director, Dr Raj. Thampuran

Welcome to the website of the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC).

It is an exciting time to be in computational science, as modelling and simulation provide theorists with so many more opportunities to propel science and innovation in engineering using supercomputers as their experimental workbench. The advent of ever more powerful computers allows those in the field to simulate and understand, with a high degree of fidelity, complex phenomenon and systems.

IHPC is dedicated to developing core capabilities in computational science, in domains key to Singapore’s economic sectors, namely; engineering, electronics, chemicals and IT.

Our programmes are designed with the belief that today (and in the foreseeable future), science will increasingly drive computing. And we aggressively recruit the best talent from all over the world. 92% of our scientists and engineers hold PhDs and come from 25 different nations. They are physicists, chemists, mechanical-, electrical- and chemical engineers, mathematicians, materials scientists and computing specialists.

Consequently, IHPC supports a wide array of scientific expertise, computational tools and methodologies to challenge complex problems in natural and engineering systems. Our research is able to traverse scales from ab initio to the continuum, incorporating multiple physical phenomenon to emulate complex engineered systems.

Whether you are interested in collaborating with us or joining us as a researcher, we hope that this website will provide a better insight into our expertise, and how our research has advanced Science and Technology.